About Us

Joycelyn Carpenter:

Joycelyn_BlueIn April, 1990, Joycelyn Carpenter received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Florida, and has taught in the Hillsborough County Public Schools since then. She has touched the lives of about 650 students by being a positive role model as an educator. She was nominated for the Ida S. Baker Distinguished Minority Award in 1999, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

In September, 1999 Ms. Carpenter accepted a position to become the children’s program director for ‘Voices of Wellswood’ located in the Wellswood Community. She managed and coordinated all program operations, activities and ventures. She used her professional experience and knowledge of individual learning styles to create an ’Out-of-School Time (OST) program to keep children and youth engaged. By 2007, Ms. Carpenter had touched the lives of nearly 500 students ranging in ages from five years to 17 years. Voices of Wellswood was a performing arts group and the music activities promoted team building and created high self-esteem. During that time, the program received over $315,000.00 from the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County.

In March, 2004, Ms. Carpenter was invited to served as a member of the City of Tampa Mayor’s African-American Advisory Council and was an active member for six years. As Education Chair, Ms. Carpenter collaborated with team members to find ways to improve academic levels and school spirit.

By 2010, Ms. Carpenter developed her own non-profit 501(C)(3) program, ‘Kids With A Call, Inc.’ This new program had the same components as Voices of Wellswood but was offered to children and youth not only in the Wellswood area, but in other communities as well. Because of this program, Ms. Carpenter has played a major role in keeping over 200 students safe and engaged during the weeks when they are out of school for the summer.

It would be impossible to keep hundreds of students engaged without the help of faithful and dedicated partners who share the mission of the program: To build strong character skills in children and youth so that they exert ‘Benevolence, Ethics, Self-worth, Trustworthiness’- their BEST!

Ms. Carpenter has partnered with the following agencies: Caribbean Cultural Association, The Red Cross, Mr. White’s TaeKwonDo, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tampa Tribune, Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful, Plant City Fire Department, Hoola for Happiness, New Life Tabernacle, Victory Tabernacle, Burgess Music Studio, The Kuumba Dancers, Wellswood Civic Association, The Garden Club , The City of Tampa , Boy Scouts of America and Bess The Book Bus.

Ms. Carpenter is a volunteer for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. This program is a nonprofit, 501(C)(3) organization whose mission is to help children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with measurable impact. Ms. Carpenter meets with her Little Sister once a week for an hour.

Ms. Carpenter uses the professional services of Mr. Howard Mc Knight, P.A. CPA for preparing and filing the specific forms to the IRS on behalf of Kids With A Call, Inc.


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Children and youth of diverse ethnicity will work in harmony while expressing their talents throughout communities and the world.
To build strong character skills in children and youth so that they exert ‘Benevolence, Ethics, Self-worth, and Trustworthiness – their BEST!
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