
If you would like to make donations to Kids With a Call, please click on the donate button below.

Donations are processed securely by PayPal©™ When you click the button you will be transfered to to complete the payment then after successful payment you will be returned to our website. Note: You do not need to have a PayPal account to donate. There is an option link to use your credit card.


Donations are processed securely by PayPal©™ When you click the button you will be transfered to to complete the payment then after successful payment you will be returned to our website. Note: You do not need to have a PayPal account to donate. There is an option link to use your credit card.

Children and youth of diverse ethnicity will work in harmony while expressing their talents throughout communities and the world.
To build strong character skills in children and youth so that they exert ‘Benevolence, Ethics, Self-worth, and Trustworthiness – their BEST!
Contact (813) 545-3521

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